1 friendly
adjective (kind and willing to make friends: She is very friendly to everybody.) simpático, amigablefriendly adv simpático / amabletr['frendlɪ]1 (person) simpático,-a, amable2 (atmosphere) acogedor,-ra3 (smile, manner etc) amable4 (relationship) amistoso,-a\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto become friendly hacerse amigos,-asto be on friendly terms with somebody estar en buenos términos con alguienfriendly game / friendly match SMALLSPORT/SMALL partido amistosoFriendly Society mutua1) : simpático, amable, de amigoa friendly child: un niño simpáticofriendly advice: consejo de amigo2) : agradable, acogedora friendly atmosphere: un ambiente agradable3) good-natured: amigable, amistosofriendly competition: competencia amistosaadj.• acogedor adj.• amigable adj.• amigo, -a adj.• amistoso, -a adj.• cordial adj.• favorable adj.• simpático, -a adj.
I 'frendliadjective -lier, -liesta) <person/pet> simpático; <place/atmosphere> agradable; < welcome> cordialto be friendly TO somebody — estar* simpático or ser* amable con alguien
to be friendly with somebody — ser* amigo, -ga de alguien
environmentally friendly products — productos mpl inocuos para el medio ambiente
b) ( good-natured) <rivalry/game/match> amistoso, amigablec) ( of one's own side) <ship/aircraftoops> amigo
['frendlɪ]1. ADJ(compar friendlier) (superl friendliest)1) [person, dog, cat] simpático; [atmosphere, place] agradable; [smile, gesture] simpático, cordial; [relationship, greeting, tone] amistoso, cordialit was an attempt to establish friendly relations — fue un intento de establecer relaciones amistosas or cordiales
I'm giving you a friendly warning — te estoy advirtiendo como amigo, te estoy dando una advertencia de amigo
to become friendly with sb — hacerse amigo de algn, trabar amistad con algn•
to get friendly with sb — hacerse amigo de algn•
we remained on friendly terms after we split up — después de cortar, seguimos siendo amigosit's important to keep on friendly terms with them — es importante seguir manteniendo una relación amistosa con ellos
that wasn't a very friendly thing to do — eso no se hace con los amigos•
to be friendly to sb, they are not very friendly to strangers — no se muestran muy amables con los extrañosshe wasn't very friendly to me — no estuvo demasiado amable conmigo, no se mostró muy amable conmigo
Yul and Steve were friendly with one another — Yul y Steve eran amigos2) (=not competitive) [match, rivalry, argument] amistoso3) (=not enemy) [nation, forces] amigo2.N (also: friendly match) (Ftbl) partido m amistoso3.CPDfriendly fire N — (Mil) fuego m amigo
friendly society N — ≈ mutualidad f, ≈ mutua f, ≈ mutual f (LAm)
* * *
I ['frendli]adjective -lier, -liesta) <person/pet> simpático; <place/atmosphere> agradable; < welcome> cordialto be friendly TO somebody — estar* simpático or ser* amable con alguien
to be friendly with somebody — ser* amigo, -ga de alguien
environmentally friendly products — productos mpl inocuos para el medio ambiente
b) ( good-natured) <rivalry/game/match> amistoso, amigablec) ( of one's own side) <ship/aircraft/troops> amigo
2 amigo
Del verbo amigar: ( conjugate amigar) \ \
amigo es: \ \1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
amigó es: \ \3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo
◊ -ga adjetivo: son/se hicieron muy amigos they are/they became good friends;hacerse amigo de algn to become friends with sb; es muy amigo mío he's a close friend of mine; un país amigo a friendly country; es muy amigo de contradecir he's a great one for contradicting people (colloq); no es amiga de las fiestas she's not keen on parties ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino friend; un amigo mío a friend of mine; somos íntimos amigos we're very close friends; ¡un momento, amigo! now, just a minute, pal o buddy (AmE) o (BrE) mate! (colloq)
I sustantivo masculino y femenino friend: se hicieron amigos durante el verano, they became friends in the summer
mi hija se hizo amiga de un compañero de clase, my daughter made friends with a classmate
somos muy amigos, we are very good friends
un amigo mío, a friend of mine
II adj (aficionado) fond [de, of]: es muy amigo de estar en la terraza por la tarde, he very much enjoys being on the terrace in the afternoon ' amigo' also found in these entries: Spanish: allegada - allegado - amiga - colega - como - compadre - contacto - cuate - disgustarse - encubrir - entrañable - esperar - incondicional - maja - majo - origen - pelearse - proceder - reconciliarse - reflotar - representar - semblante - simpática - simpático - soporífera - soporífero - tilín - traición - verdad - abusar - acompañado - alma - apreciado - arreglar - bueno - cercano - cita - común - confidente - conservar - cuyo - de - extrañar - hacer - íntimo - llamar - malo - nuestro - pata - por English: audition - be - befriend - best - bosom - boyfriend - bring along - bud - bust up - chum - disclose - dude - foe - fraternity - friend - friendly - hers - his - hit - introduce - lifelong - locate - lover - man - mate - mine - mutual - nudge - of - old - pal - pally - penfriend - personal - provoke - soulmate - sport - stick by - through - true - buddy - life - look - loyal - off - ours - pen pal - some - theirs - way -
3 distant
1) (far away or far apart, in place or time: the distant past; a distant country; Our house is quite distant from the school.) distante, alejado, lejos (de)2) (not close: a distant relation.) distante3) (not friendly: Her manner was rather distant.) distante, fríodistant adj lejano / remototr['dɪstənt]1 (place) lejano,-a, distante, remoto,-a, apartado,-a; (time, past) lejano,-a, remoto,-a; (look) distraído,-a, ausente; (cousin, relative) lejano,-a2 (cold, aloof) distante, frío,-adistant ['dɪstənt] adj1) far: distante, lejano2) remote: distante, lejano, remoto3) aloof: distante, fríoadj.• apartado, -a adj.• arrinconado, -a adj.• ausente adj.• distante adj.• esquivo, -a adj.• lejano, -a adj.• ligero, -a adj.'dɪstənt1)a) ( in space) <spot/country> distante, lejanob) ( in time)in the distant past/future — en el pasado remoto/en un futuro lejano
3) < relative> lejano; <resemblance/connection> remoto4)a) ( aloof) distante, fríob) ( absentminded) <expression/tone> ausente, ido['dɪstǝnt]ADJ•
the school is 2km distant from the church — la escuela está a 2km (de distancia) de la iglesia•
in a distant part of the country — en una remota región del país•
we had a distant view of the sea — veíamos el mar a lo lejos2) (in time) [future, past, ancestor] lejanoin the not too or very distant future — en un futuro no demasiado or no muy lejano
in the distant past — en un lejano pasado, en un pasado remoto•
at some distant point in the future — en algún momento del futuro lejano3) (=not closely related) [relative, cousin] lejano; [connection] remoto4) (=aloof) [person, manner, voice] distante5) (=removed)all this seems so distant from the Spain of today — todo esto parece muy alejado de la realidad española de hoy, todo esto parece no tener nada que ver con la España de hoy
Steve gradually became more distant from reality — poco a poco, Steve se iba alejando cada vez más de la realidad
he has become somewhat distant from the day-to-day operations of the department — se ha distanciado un tanto de las operaciones diarias del departamento
6) (=distracted) [person, look] ausente* * *['dɪstənt]1)a) ( in space) <spot/country> distante, lejanob) ( in time)in the distant past/future — en el pasado remoto/en un futuro lejano
3) < relative> lejano; <resemblance/connection> remoto4)a) ( aloof) distante, fríob) ( absentminded) <expression/tone> ausente, ido -
4 know
nəupast tense - knew; verb1) (to be aware of or to have been informed about: He knows everything; I know he is at home because his car is in the drive; He knows all about it; I know of no reason why you cannot go.) saber, conocer2) (to have learned and to remember: He knows a lot of poetry.) saber, conocer3) (to be aware of the identity of; to be friendly with: I know Mrs Smith - she lives near me.) conocer4) (to (be able to) recognize or identify: You would hardly know her now - she has become very thin; He knows a good car when he sees one.) reconocer•- knowing- knowingly
- know-all
- know-how
- in the know
- know backwards
- know better
- know how to
- know the ropes
know vb1. saberdo you know what time it is? ¿sabes qué hora es?2. conocerdo you know Madrid? ¿conoces Madrid?tr[nəʊ]1 (be acquainted with) conocer■ do you know Colin? conoces a Colin?■ this building is known as "La Pedrera' este edificio se conoce como "La Pedrera"■ their terrorist activities were known to the police la policía tenía conocimiento de sus actividades terroristas2 (recognize) reconocer3 (have knowledge of) saber■ do you know English? ¿sabes inglés?■ do you know where the station is? ¿sabe dónde está la estación?\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLI know! ¡lo sé!, ¡ya lo sé!who knows? ¿quién sabe?as far as I know que yo sepafor all I know ¡vete a saber!■ he could be dead for all I know podría estar muerto, ¡vete a saber!don't I know it! ¿y me lo dices a mí?, ¡ni que lo digas!how should I know? ¿yo qué sé?if only I'd known! ¡haberlo sabido!not that I know of que yo sepa, noto know apart saber distinguirto know... from... distinguir entre... y...you know what? ¿sabes qué?you never know nunca se sabeI know what! ¡ya lo tengo!I might've known debí imaginármeloto be in the know estar enterado,-ato get to know somebody (llegar a) conocer a alguienyou know best tú sabes mejor que yo, sabes lo que más te convieneto know better tener más juicio■ you ought to know better at your age! ¡a tu edad deberías saber comportarte mejor!to know by sight conocer de vistato know how to do something saber hacer algoto know what one's talking about hablar con conocimiento de causato make oneself known presentarse, darse a conocerdon't know (in survey) persona que no sabe, no contesta1) : saberhe knows the answer: sabe la respuesta2) : conocer (a una persona, un lugar)do you know Julia?: ¿conoces a Julia?3) recognize: reconocer4) discern, distinguish: distinguir, discernir5)to know how to : saberI don't know how to dance: no sé bailarknow vi: saberv.(§ p.,p.p.: knew, known) = conocer v.(§pres: conozco, conoces...)• reconocer v.(§pres: reconozco, reconoces...)• saber v.(§pres: sé, sabes...) subj: sep-pret: sup-fut/c: sabr-•)
1. nəʊ1)a) (have knowledge of, be aware of) saber*I don't know his name/how old he is — no sé cómo se llama/cuántos años tiene
to know something ABOUT something — saber* algo de algo
not to know the first thing about something — no saber* nada or no tener* ni idea de algo
how was I to know that... ? — ¿cómo iba yo a saber que... ?
I don't know that I agree/that I'll be able to come — no sé si estoy de acuerdo/si podré ir
I'll have you know that... — has de saber que..., para que sepas,...
you know what he's like — ya sabes cómo es (él), ya lo conoces
before I knew where I was, it was ten o'clock — cuando quise darme cuenta, eran las diez
it is well known that... — todo el mundo sabe que...
it soon became known that... — pronto se supo que...
to be known to + INF: he's known to be dangerous se sabe que es peligroso; I know that for a fact me consta que es así; to let somebody know something decirle* algo a alguien, hacerle* saber or comunicarle* algo a alguien (frml); ( warn) avisarle algo a alguien; let me know how much it's going to cost dime cuánto va a costar; he let it be known that... dio a entender que...; to make something known to somebody hacerle* saber algo a alguien; without our knowing it sin saberlo nosotros, sin que lo supiéramos; there's no knowing what he might do quién sabe qué hará; do you know what! ¿sabes qué?; I know what: let's go skating! tengo una idea: vayamos a patinar!; wouldn't you know it: it's starting to rain! no te digo, se ha puesto a llover!; not to know which way o where to turn no saber* qué hacer; to know something backwards: she knows her part backwards — se sabe el papel al dedillo or al revés y al derecho
b) ( have practical understanding of) \<\<French/shorthand\>\> saber*c) (have skill, ability)to know how to + INF — saber* + inf
2)a) ( be acquainted with) \<\<person/place\>\> conocer*how well do you know her? — ¿la conoces mucho or bien?
I only know her by name — la conozco or (AmL tb) la ubico sólo de nombre
you know me/him: ever the optimist — ya me/lo conoces: siempre tan optimista
to get to know somebody: how did they get to know each other? ¿cómo se conocieron?; I got to know him better/quite well llegué a conocerlo mejor/bastante bien; to get to know something \<\<subject/job\>\> familiarizarse* con algo; we knew her as Mrs Balfour — para nosotros era la Sra Balfour
he has known poverty/success — ha conocido la pobreza/el éxito
he knows no fear — no sabe lo que es or no conoce el miedo
c) ( be restricted by) (liter) tener*3)a) (recognize, identify) reconocer*to know something/somebody BY something — reconocer* algo/a alguien por algo
b) ( distinguish)to know something/somebody FROM something/somebody — distinguir* algo/a alguien de algo/alguien
I don't know one from the other — no los distingo, no distingo al uno del otro
4) (see, experience) (only in perfect tenses)
vi saber*what happened? - nobody knows — ¿qué pasó? - no se sabe
how do you know? — ¿cómo lo sabes?
I won't argue: you know best — no voy a discutir: tú sabrás
I know! — ya sé!, tengo una idea!
the government didn't want to know — el gobierno se desentendió completamente or no quiso saber nada
I'm not stupid, you know! — oye, que no soy tonto ¿eh? or ¿sabes?
to know ABOUT something/somebody: he knows about computers sabe or entiende de computadoras; did you know about John? ¿sabías lo de John?, ¿estabas enterado de lo de John?; can I invite him? - I don't know about that, we'll have to see ¿lo puedo invitar? - no sé, veremos; to get to know about something enterarse de algo; to know OF something/somebody: she knew of their activities tenía conocimiento or estaba enterada de sus actividades; not that I know of que yo sepa, no; do you know of a good carpenter? ¿conoces a or sabes de algún carpintero bueno?; I don't actually know her, I know of her — no la conozco personalmente, sólo de oídas
[nǝʊ] (pt knew) (pp known)to be in the know — estar* enterado
1. TRANSITIVE VERBLook up set combinations such as know the ropes, know one's stuff, know sth backward at the other word.1) (=be aware of)a) [+ facts, dates etc] saberto know the difference between... — saber la diferencia entre...
she knows a lot about chemistry — sabe mucho de químicaI know nothing about it, I don't know anything about it — no sé nada de eso
one minute you're leaving school, then before you know it, you've got a family to support — dejas el colegio y al minuto siguiente, antes de darte cuenta, tienes una familia que mantenerto know why/when/where/if — saber por qué/cuándo/dónde/si
do you know how he did that? — ¿sabes cómo lo hizo?
I'll or I'd have you know that... — que sepas que..., para que te enteres,...•
you haven't time, as well he knew — no tienes tiempo, como él bien sabíayou know as well as I do that... — sabes tan bien como yo que...
I know what I said — ya sé qué or lo que dije
I don't know whether or not you've heard, but... — no sé si has oído o no pero...- know what's whatI knew it! — ¡lo sabía!
that's all you know! * — ¡y más que podría yo contarte!•
don't I know it! — ¡a mí me lo vas a contar!"she's furious" - "don't I know it?" — -está furiosa -¡a mí me lo vas a contar!
how was I to know that...? — ¿cómo iba yo a saber que...?•
I should have known you'd mess things up! — debería haberme figurado or imaginado que ibas a estropear las cosas•
do you know what, I think she did it! — ¿sabes una cosa? creo que lo hizo ellaI know what, let's drop in on Daphne! — ¡ya sé! ¡vamos a pasarnos por casa de Daphne!
you know what you can do with it! * — ¡mételo por donde te quepa! **
(well,) what do you know! * — ¿qué te parece?, ¡fíjate!, ¡mira nomás! (LAm)
what does he know about dictionaries! — ¡qué sabrá él de diccionarios!
Peter, wouldn't you know it, can't come! — Peter, como era de esperar, no puede venird)to know to do sth >: does he know to feed the rabbits? * — ¿sabe que tiene que dar de comer a los conejos?
2) (=be acquainted with) [+ person, place] conocer; [+ subject] saberdo you know him? — ¿lo conoces?
to know one's classics/linguistic theory — saberse los clásicos/la teoría lingüística
most of us know him only as a comedian — la mayoría de nosotros lo conocemos solo como comediante•
don't you know me better than that! — ¿o es que no me conoces?, ¡como si no me conocieras!•
to know sb by sight/name — conocer a algn de vista/de nombre•
she knew him for a liar and a cheat — sabía que era un mentiroso y un tramposo•
they know each other from university — se conocen de la universidad•
if I know him, he'll say no — me apuesto a que dice que no•
I've never known him to smile — nunca lo he visto sonreír•
I don't know him to speak to — no lo conozco personalmente4) (=understand)I don't know how you can say that — no sé or no entiendo cómo puedes decir eso
you know what I mean — ya me entiendes, ya sabes lo que quiero decir•
I know the problem! — conozco el problemaI know the problems that arise when... — sé los problemas que surgen cuando...
5) (=recognize) reconocer•
I knew him by his voice — le reconocí por la voz•
to know right from wrong — saber distinguir el bien del mal6) (=be certain)I don't know if or that it's a very good idea — no sé si es una buena idea, no estoy seguro de que sea una buena idea
7) †† (sexually)to get to know sb (llegar a) conocer a algn to get to know sthto let sb know...as you get to know the piece better... — cuando conoces mejor la pieza..., cuando estás más familiarizado con la pieza...
2. INTRANSITIVE VERB1) (gen) saberyes, I know — si, ya lo sé
he thinks he's going to get the job, but I know better — cree que va a conseguir el trabajo, pero yo sé mejor lo que cabe esperar
you ought to know better than to... — ya deberías saber que no se puede...
Mary knows better than to risk upsetting me — Mary sabe demasiado bien que no le conviene que me enfade
how should I know? — ¿cómo iba yo a saberlo?•
I know, let's... — ya sé, vamos a...•
there's no (way of) knowing — no hay manera de saberlo•
afterwards they just don't want to know — (in relationships) después "si te he visto no me acuerdo"; (in business) después no quieren saber nada del asunto•
who knows? — ¿quién sabe?•
"was she annoyed about it?" - "I wouldn't know" — -¿se enfadó por eso? -¿y yo que sé?•
it's not easy, you know — no es fácil, sabesall 2., 4) to know aboutyou know, I think I'm beginning to like Richard — ¿sabes? creo que me está empezando a gustar Richard
to know about sth/sb: did you know about Paul? — ¿te has enterado de or sabes lo de Paul?
I didn't know about the accident — no me había enterado de lo del accidente, no sabía nada de lo del accidente
"you must be delighted!" - "I don't know about that" — ¡debes estar encantado! -no sé qué decirte"you're a genius!" - "oh, I don't know about that" — -¡eres un genio! -hombre, no sé qué decirte
"I'm taking tomorrow off" - "I don't know about that!" — -mañana me tomo el día libre -no sé, habrá que ver
to get to know about sth enterarse de algo to know of (=be acquainted with) conocer•
I don't know about you, but I think it's terrible — a ti no sé, pero a mí me parece terribleI know of no reason why he should have committed suicide — que yo sepa no tenía razones para suicidarse
the first I knew of it was when Pete told me — lo primero que oí or supe del asunto fue lo que me dijo Peteto let sb know•
not that I know of — que yo sepa, nowe'll let you know — ya te diremos lo que sea, ya te avisaremos
why didn't you let me know? — ¿por qué no me lo dijiste?
to be in the know * — (=well-informed) estar enterado; (=privy to sth) estar al tanto or al corriente* * *
1. [nəʊ]1)a) (have knowledge of, be aware of) saber*I don't know his name/how old he is — no sé cómo se llama/cuántos años tiene
to know something ABOUT something — saber* algo de algo
not to know the first thing about something — no saber* nada or no tener* ni idea de algo
how was I to know that... ? — ¿cómo iba yo a saber que... ?
I don't know that I agree/that I'll be able to come — no sé si estoy de acuerdo/si podré ir
I'll have you know that... — has de saber que..., para que sepas,...
you know what he's like — ya sabes cómo es (él), ya lo conoces
before I knew where I was, it was ten o'clock — cuando quise darme cuenta, eran las diez
it is well known that... — todo el mundo sabe que...
it soon became known that... — pronto se supo que...
to be known to + INF: he's known to be dangerous se sabe que es peligroso; I know that for a fact me consta que es así; to let somebody know something decirle* algo a alguien, hacerle* saber or comunicarle* algo a alguien (frml); ( warn) avisarle algo a alguien; let me know how much it's going to cost dime cuánto va a costar; he let it be known that... dio a entender que...; to make something known to somebody hacerle* saber algo a alguien; without our knowing it sin saberlo nosotros, sin que lo supiéramos; there's no knowing what he might do quién sabe qué hará; do you know what! ¿sabes qué?; I know what: let's go skating! tengo una idea: vayamos a patinar!; wouldn't you know it: it's starting to rain! no te digo, se ha puesto a llover!; not to know which way o where to turn no saber* qué hacer; to know something backwards: she knows her part backwards — se sabe el papel al dedillo or al revés y al derecho
b) ( have practical understanding of) \<\<French/shorthand\>\> saber*c) (have skill, ability)to know how to + INF — saber* + inf
2)a) ( be acquainted with) \<\<person/place\>\> conocer*how well do you know her? — ¿la conoces mucho or bien?
I only know her by name — la conozco or (AmL tb) la ubico sólo de nombre
you know me/him: ever the optimist — ya me/lo conoces: siempre tan optimista
to get to know somebody: how did they get to know each other? ¿cómo se conocieron?; I got to know him better/quite well llegué a conocerlo mejor/bastante bien; to get to know something \<\<subject/job\>\> familiarizarse* con algo; we knew her as Mrs Balfour — para nosotros era la Sra Balfour
he has known poverty/success — ha conocido la pobreza/el éxito
he knows no fear — no sabe lo que es or no conoce el miedo
c) ( be restricted by) (liter) tener*3)a) (recognize, identify) reconocer*to know something/somebody BY something — reconocer* algo/a alguien por algo
b) ( distinguish)to know something/somebody FROM something/somebody — distinguir* algo/a alguien de algo/alguien
I don't know one from the other — no los distingo, no distingo al uno del otro
4) (see, experience) (only in perfect tenses)
vi saber*what happened? - nobody knows — ¿qué pasó? - no se sabe
how do you know? — ¿cómo lo sabes?
I won't argue: you know best — no voy a discutir: tú sabrás
I know! — ya sé!, tengo una idea!
the government didn't want to know — el gobierno se desentendió completamente or no quiso saber nada
I'm not stupid, you know! — oye, que no soy tonto ¿eh? or ¿sabes?
to know ABOUT something/somebody: he knows about computers sabe or entiende de computadoras; did you know about John? ¿sabías lo de John?, ¿estabas enterado de lo de John?; can I invite him? - I don't know about that, we'll have to see ¿lo puedo invitar? - no sé, veremos; to get to know about something enterarse de algo; to know OF something/somebody: she knew of their activities tenía conocimiento or estaba enterada de sus actividades; not that I know of que yo sepa, no; do you know of a good carpenter? ¿conoces a or sabes de algún carpintero bueno?; I don't actually know her, I know of her — no la conozco personalmente, sólo de oídas
to be in the know — estar* enterado
5 conscious
'konʃəs1) (aware of oneself and one's surroundings; not asleep or in a coma or anaesthetized etc: The patient was conscious.) consciente2) ((sometimes with of) aware or having knowledge (of): They were conscious of his disapproval.) consciente•- consciousness
conscious adj conscientetr['kɒnʃəs]1 SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL consciente2 (aware) consciente■ workers are becoming less politically conscious los trabajadores tienen cada vez menos conciencia política3 (intentional, deliberate) deliberado,-a\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be conscious of something ser consciente de algo, tener conciencia de algoto become conscious of something darse cuenta de algoconscious ['kɑnʧəs] adj1) aware: conscienteto become conscious of: darse cuenta de2) alert, awake: consciente3) intentional: intencional, deliberadoadj.• consciente adj.• intencional adj.'kɑːntʃəs, 'kɒnʃəs1)a) (awake, alert) (no comp) conscienteb) ( aware) (pred)to be conscious OF something — ser* or (Chi, Méx) estar* consciente de algo, tener* conciencia de algo
2) ( deliberate) < decision> deliberado['kɒnʃǝs]1. ADJ1) (=aware)to be conscious of sth/of doing sth — ser consciente de algo/de hacer algo
2) (=deliberate) [decision] deliberado; [prejudice] consciente; [error, irony, insult] intencional, deliberadothey made a conscious choice or decision not to have children — decidieron deliberadamente no tener hijos
he made a conscious effort to look as though he was enjoying himself — se esforzó deliberadamente por aparentar que se estaba divirtiendo
3) (Med) conscienteto be conscious — estar consciente, tener conocimiento
to become conscious — recobrar el reconocimiento, volver en sí
4) (Psych) [memory, thought] consciente2.N(Psych)* * *['kɑːntʃəs, 'kɒnʃəs]1)a) (awake, alert) (no comp) conscienteb) ( aware) (pred)to be conscious OF something — ser* or (Chi, Méx) estar* consciente de algo, tener* conciencia de algo
2) ( deliberate) < decision> deliberado
См. также в других словарях:
friendly — [[t]fre̱ndli[/t]] ♦♦♦ friendlier, friendliest, friendlies 1) ADJ GRADED If someone is friendly, they behave in a pleasant, kind way, and like to be with other people. Godfrey had been friendly to me. ...a man with a pleasant, friendly face...… … English dictionary
FRIENDLY, FRED W. — FRIENDLY, FRED W. (Fred Wachenheimer; 1915–1998), U.S. television writer and director. Born in Providence, Rhode Island, Friendly began his career as a radio announcer in 1937. During World War II he was a correspondent for army publications, and … Encyclopedia of Judaism
FRIENDLY, HENRY JACOB — (1903–1986), U.S. judge. Considered by lawyers, judges, and legal scholars as one of the ablest lawyers of his generation and the preeminent federal appellate judge of his time, Friendly made a legendary record as a student at Harvard Law School … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Friendly Street Poets — is a poetry reading group and publisher in Adelaide, South Australia. It has some claim to be Australia s longest running community open poetry reading venue. [cite web | title=About Us | url=http://friendlystreetpoets.org.au/aboutus.htm |… … Wikipedia
Friendly's — Infobox Company company name = Friendly Ice Cream Corporation company company type = Private foundation = Springfield, Massachusetts (1935)cite web|url=http://www.friendlys.com/about/|title=Friendly s Official History|accessdate=2006 07 12]… … Wikipedia
Friendly society — For the Australian charitable organization, see Benevolent Society. A friendly society (sometimes called a mutual society, benevolent society or fraternal organization) is a mutual association for insurance, pensions or savings and loan like… … Wikipedia
Friendly Society — (also Provident Society) (BrE) (AmE benefit society) n an association whose members regularly pay small amounts of money so that they can be cared for when they are ill or old. Friendly Societies first became common in Britain in the 18th century … Universalium
Friendly, Fred W. — orig. Ferdinand Friendly Wachenheimer born Oct. 30, 1915, New York, N.Y., U.S. died March 3, 1998, New York City U.S. broadcast producer and journalist. He began his career in radio in 1938 and later joined CBS. In the 1950s he collaborated with… … Universalium
Friendly fire — For other uses, see Friendly Fire (disambiguation). Blue on blue redirects here. For other uses, see Blue on blue (disambiguation). Friendly fire is inadvertent firing towards one s own or otherwise friendly forces while attempting to engage… … Wikipedia
Friendly Fires — Infobox musical artist Name = Friendly Fires Img capt = Background = group or band Origin = St Albans, Hertfordshire, UK Genre = Indie pop Electronica Shoegazing Years active = 2006 present Label = XL Recordings URL =… … Wikipedia
Casper the Friendly Ghost — Early Casper in There s Good Boos To Night (1948) Publication information Publisher … Wikipedia